Leading business lawyers focused on the incorporation of companies and subsidiaries in Mexico.
Our firm specializes in setting up and incorporating companies, subsidiaries and business vehicles in Mexico, performing all the filings with the tax (SAT) and labor (IMSS) authorities, providing also a tax address when necessary. Furthermore, after incorporation, our firm provides one-stop shop services that include bookkeeping and tax filing, payroll, invoicing, day-to-day legal support in employment and labor law, legal defense before labor and administrative courts, preparation of contracts and legal documentation, and any legal assitance and support necessary to run a company in Mexico.
Additionally, our firm provides also the following services:
Reliable legal advice to foreign companies conducting businesses in Mexico, including negotiation and closing of commercial deals, company acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures and real estate transactions.
Legal opinions, Due Diligence and analysis of cross-border transactions and projects in Mexico, considering tax, labor, regulatory and environmental angles.
Permits, licenses & authorizations for foreign companies to operate or do business in Mexico, including working visas, trademarks and patent filing.
Resendiz Wong Abogados is a law firm of attorneys in Mexico
that specializes in rendering legal services to international corporations and private foreign citizens in Mexico